Children wellbeing, health & safety:Singular place that provides complaint courses and certification in paediatric basic life support, paediatric first aid,paediatric emergency response and child and adolescent mental health.The courses include professional certification for schoolteachers, nannies, parents, children, teenagers, school supportstaff, adults working with children, coaches and trainers.If you are currently or aspiring schoolteacher or working in a child centric environment, these courses are a must foryou. The course provides essential skills to enhance children safety and wellbeing. Furthermore, the internationalcertification boosts your career progression by upgrading your profile.The courses will equip adults and children with certified paediatric emergency response, basic life support and first aidtraining, that prepares them for any child related medical emergencies till specialist arrive. On successful completion ofthe course the student should be able to assist in preserving life, stabilizing physical condition and promote recoveryduring an emergency.Roadside Emergency Response courses:Compliant courses and certification that include basic life support, first aid and roadside emergency response for privateand commercial automobile driversDuring road incidents, the time between an accident and the arrival of the emergency services is critical. If basic first aidskills could be applied at the scene to stabilise the victim, while waiting for the ambulance, lives could be saved andseverity of injuries reduced.Relatively simple interventions like clearing airway, putting an injured person in the recovery position, controlling bleedingand delivering CPR (if needed) could make “all the difference”. Appropriately trained Individuals are a huge asset forbetter safety for everyone.If you are a light vehicle automobile driver like car, motorcycle, scooter this course is a must for you. The course equipsautomobile drivers with relevant knowledge, understanding, skills and confidence to manage basic medical emergenciesor accidents to themselves on the roadsideLearning outcomes.1. Recognize an emergency and evaluate scene for safety2. Know and understand personal safety3. Know and understand Casualty care procedure4. Know, understand and deliver primary care5. Know, understand and administer basic life support6. Recognise signs, symptoms and provide initial management common injuries7. Recognise signs, symptoms and provide initial management common medical conditionsAll courses are designed by international specialists and are UK & EU compliant